Although once again we cannot gather at the Chapter House this year, Phi Sig will be holding its annual Tech Reunion Open House via Zoom.
MIT Tech Reunions run from Friday, June 4 through Sunday, June 6 and feature traditional events such as Technology Day seminars and Tech Night at the Boston Pops. MIT has set aside 90 minutes at 3:00 PM Eastern on Friday for us to hold our own event. Details, schedule of events, and registration.
This years featured reunion classes are:
Class of 1971 - 50th Reunion
Class of 1996 - 25th Reunion
Class of 2011 - 10th Reunion
but all alumni are encouraged to attend. You can see everyone who has registered here. Once you register you will also be able to see which Phi Sigs are coming to our Open House by clicking on our event from the Agenda page.
This year's virtual Open House will feature...
A "State of the Chapter" report from the undergraduate President on the challenges they have faced during the epidemic and plans for their return this fall.
Alumni Association mid-year report.
News and photos from the "COVID Opportunity" Chapter House renovations and fundraising.
Lots of time for you to get reacquainted with your classmates in the main room or decade break-out rooms.
Hope to see you there!
50th Reunion - Class of 1971 - Welcome to the Cardinal & Gray Society!
25th Reunion - Class of 1996
10th Reunion - Class of 2011