March/April 2021: Work in Progress Photos
See for yourself the ongoing transformation of the brownstones with photo galleries from our lead contractor.

COVID Opportunity Campaign
While challenges abound, we are focused on what’s ahead, just like the brothers who have, over more than a century, kept our fraternity healthy and viable for future generations. That’s why we have launched Project COVID Opportunity.

Expanded Reimbursement of IRDF Grants
A significant change was made in 2019 regarding how the IRDF reimburses ILGs. This change expanded reimbursement to include historical preservation.

MIT providing funding for ILGs through COVID
has not been widely publicized, but throughout the COVID crisis, MIT has demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt its belief and reliance on ILGs. Most notably, it has done so by reimbursing all ILGs for their lost revenue due to COVID.

Are We Doing OK?
Despite COVID, Phi Sigma Kappa Omicron is in an enviable financial position compared to other ILGs and even in comparison to ourselves over the past several decades.

Remembering Phi Sig in Your Estate Planning
Several brothers have asked how they may benefit Phi Sig through their estate planning and lifetime planned giving. With proper preparation, you can leave a legacy for Phi Sig while continuing to provide for you and your family.